Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Weight, My Credit, My Finances.....

Here we go.... There are so many things to change that I'm not even sure where to start, so i will give you some stats:

My weight: 289.2 lbs.

OUCH! The worst part of it is that I am only 5'9'' and small framed, so my body fat percentage is sure to be ridiculous. I will be getting it measured in the next couple of days. Another note is that most of my weight is BELLY FAT.

This is mostly self inflicted by a horrible diet and a desk job. In an average day I will consume at least five 20 oz. bottles of soda, sometimes more. It's rare that I consume more than 8 oz. of water, if any at all. The McDonald's Dollar Menu is another one of my poisons. Between the sodas and the fast food, there is not much confusion as to how I aquired my chamion physique.

No exercise is another factor. The final straw came a few days ago when I was at the gym, attempting to get started on a fitness program, and got lapped on the track by a lady that was older than my dear grandmother. This is not an exageration, but a truly embarassing and pathetic moment in my short life. Not only did this lady pass me once, but twice.... yes , twice.

I spent the next 20 minutes sitting in the locker room with my head in my hands just staring down at my feet in shame. Well, staring at where my feet are supposed to be... I have not seen them in a while either. I thought to myself, "Damn. An 85 year old lady?" Then something hit me... will I see 85? Heck, will I even see 35? Not if I keep living like this. Doctors have said it before, but I never really stuck with trying to change it. For that matter, I have never really stuck to anything.

It all has to change... today.

My Credit: Horrible

My credit report should have been printed on toilet paper. Years of poor judgement, careless behavior and bad work habits have made my credit file one for the books.

Judgements, collection accounts, charge-offs, and even a bankruptcy have destroyed my credit score and just a few ruins of it remain. The few good tradelines are shadowed by all of the bad ones. Luckily, my most recent job taught me alot about credit and debt settlement and I have spent alot of time researching credit repair methods. To beat it all, most of the information on my credit file is inaccurate.

Thankfully, I found that the credit repair is something that I can do on my own, and even wrote a program about it, which i will be using during my real life makeover.

My Financial Situation: The Virge of Bankruptcy.... Again!

I can thank my former employer for this one. After 3 years of working my rear off, I was demoted from my managment position when I refused to look the other way when one of the people I supervised broke federal laws pertaining to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Soon after, I was moved further and further down the ladder until I was behind on all of my bills and borrowing money from my parents to pay basic bills. I even ended up getting help from a complete stranger on the website If it wasn't for that guy, we would have been out on the street. I tell everyone I can about that website, as it is one of the few honest charities I have encountered.

Eventually, I was pushed all the way out of my job and am now trying to lauch my own business, which is going painfully slow.

Over the next few weeks and months, I will tell you what I am doing step by step to improve these 3 problems in my life. Starting tomorrow, check back in daily to WATCH ME CHANGE MY LIFE!

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